Objectif Beat The Heat

I) First of all, we explain what we do to fight against climate change, to respect the ecosystems to boost biodiversity. Because 'Objectif Beat The Heat', isn't a marketing action to dazzle everyone, but a full coherent set of actions that make sense.

II) Then, we tell you what we plan to do next.

III) Finally, we let you know how we invite you to participate!

I) Our Actions

Let's start from the beginning...

As farmers-vignerons, we have a real impact on the environment. We work the land, our print on the soils and ecosystems is undeniable. We have the chance to make a difference. And when we started, we didn't think twice.

Working 'clean and green', looking after our soils, our land, looking at developing biodiversity, multiplying vegetal and animal species, here's our mission, here's what we believe is our duty.


Before thinking biodiversity, we have to start with the basis: no synthetic products (no chemicals, glyphosate or other smuts) in our vineyards - nor herbicides, or pesticides. Once that essential step done, biodynamie and the idea of working with outside elements can take place and make full sense.


Then, it's the time, the experience that enable us to adapt, improve our cultural technics, and that same time that demultiply our actions. We are stunned by how fast nature is developing and diversifying, since only 2016!!! What great signs of hope and encouragement

Let's not pretend to be flawless... we say it all.

In the vineyard, there are some difficult disease to fight against and that can ruin a crop. That's why we use sulfer and copper (also called bouille bordelaise), that are natural elements and not synthetic. However, copper remains a heavy metal. Without alternative, we use it reluctantly, but above all in mindful doses, and with the objective to always be well under the authorised limits (limits that are lesser in biodynamie that in organic, that is already lesser than in conventional farming). And little by little, we find other solutions to use it less, thus we are going to start working with macerations of plants like nettle or certain algae.

Also, our St Joseph Rue des poulies comes from grapes of friends vignerons who don't work organically. Until our properties start producing (from 2020 vintage), we didn't find organic grapes. So we decided to work with friends.

And every year, we learn, we experiment and we improve.


Since spring 2020, we've observed and took note of the different weeds and vegetals in our vineyards. When we started planting in 2016, we had blocks with only one type of weed, like wild camomile for ex. Whereas now, we can note tens of different species, which shows the soils is less saturated and more balanced. We also observe a proliferation of insects of all kinds, ladybugs, earthworms, different beetles...

Wonderful signs that we're doing some good to the nature which finds its right place.


To work the soils, in northern Rhône, we work a lot by hand: hoe, brush cutter, tiller, winch. In southern Rhône, we work with a tractor with intercep and other tools.  The idea is to remove weeds that would choke the vines and drink all their water. It's also to have soils that are alive, and and vegetal and animal diversity.


In the autumn 2020, we started working the soils with the horse. A step we were longing for!  Let's be clear, it's not our horse, nor do we lead him. It's a man with his horse who come to work in our vineyard, as it is a real job that demands training (he trained his horses for 2 years!) But a horse who ploughs, does some good to the soils that aren't packed, and let's say it, it's beautiful and even majestic!


We have also started sowing some cover crops, on a granitic experimental block.

There's no little action...

Nous pensons que tous les actes ont leur importance, même les plus petits. Alors, pour notre papeterie nous utilisons du papier recyclé, notre brochure est faite de papier recyclé non blanchi, et nos cartes de visite sont en coton issu des chutes de vêtements de l'industrie du textile.

Nous recyclons nos cartons 'maison'. Pour cela les cartons du caveau sont réutilisés, et portent un marquage pour savoir combien de fois nous les réutilisons. Alors si vous recevez un carton avec un petit arbre vert, vous savez ce que ça signifie! C'est une tâche qui nous prend du temps, de la place, mais c'est une petite action qui évite un gaspillage de carton sans nom. Certains de nos clients nous rapportent même leur cartons!

Et parce qu'on cherche toujours à s'améliorer, à la prochaine fabrication de cartons, nous passerons à des cartons craft, qui utilisent moins d'encre.

II) Our Projects for 2021

#Agroforesterie, objectif biodiversité et création de micro-climats plus frais - il nous faut déjà penser au climat dans 10-20 ans...

#Lancer une parcelle expérimentale avec des cépages qui résistent mieux à la chaleur.

#Travailler avec des animaux, canards et moutons nains pour maintenir les inter-rangs propres, et fertiliser!

# Construction de cave, pensée au plus propre. Avec réflexions sur les isolations, électricité, gestion et réutilisation de l'eau etc.

Nous ne sommes qu'au début du projet de cave, mais on vous en dira plus!

III) Your participation

Et maintenant que nous avons mis en place des process dans nos vignes, à la cave, et bien on peut se lancer dans d'autres projets !!

On aime l'idée de pouvoir faire encore un peu plus, et de pouvoir proposer à nos clients de participer. Et du coup, comment participer mieux à la lutte contre le changement climatique qu'en plantant des arbres?!!


!!!!!! Our objective: Plant 1'000 trees in 5 years !!!!!!

We chose Reforest'Action to plant trees in our name.


#Le 1er projet que l'on soutient à Stoumont: Reboiser une parcelle de 1,5 Ha qui fait parti du massif des Ardennes en Wallonie, Belgique. Ravagée par le scolyte, insecte qui ronge le bois et finit par tuer les arbres, il faut la replanter. Ce qui nous intéresse c'est bien que de nouvelles essences d'arbres seront introduites, permettant ainsi de recréer de la biodiversité. Un des gros problèmes des Ardennes est que les forêts ont été plantés uniquement d'épicéas créant des déséquilibres et des attaques incontrôlables de scolytes.

On aurait pu choisir un projet en Ardèche ou en Bretagne, mais les projets proposés en France ne nous enthousiasmaient pas autant que celui-ci, et surtout ne nous semblaient pas aussi cohérents.



During December 2020, when you order at least 6 bottles, add the article 'Beat The Heat Ardennes'.

For every order, we'll make a donation to Reforest'Action to plant 1 tree in Stoumont.


#And we'll launch other projects. Or you'lle be able to make donations during events on the estate. We'll keep you updated!